
Small Stems and Leaves


Ground juniper small stems and leaves

Ground Juniper: Small Stems and Leaves

Manufactured from juniper trees (blueberry and redberry) using strict quality assurance standards.

Available in bulk (semi-loads) and large totes

$130 / per ton FOB from Eden, Texas

Does not include delivery charges.

$5/ ton discount for payments made within 3 days. Choose buy now to receive the $5 discount.

$130.00Add to cart

Order Form

Please enter a number from 5 to 5.
Please select how you would like to purchase the juniper.(Required)

Guaranteed analysis

Crude Protein, min. 4%
Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) (max) 50%

* A nutrient profile will be made available upon product delivery.

* We use a standard screen size to produce the majority of our Ground Juniper product. However, other screen sizes can be used to make smaller or larger particles upon request.

* Research has demonstrated that this product was 55% digested and contained 7.6% CP, 36.7% ADF, and 39.9% NDF (Whitney et al., 2014)

Feeding instructions

Used during the manufacturing of feed.

It is not recommended to feed this ingredient as the sole feed source.

To be fed as a dietary roughage for ruminant animals according to good feeding practices.

Maximum inclusion rate should be determined according to animal species, weight, class, stage of production, and other related factors. Consult your nutritionist or CONTACT Redeemer Feed for additional guidance.

Related Articles

The following articles were pre-selected out of hundreds that are available to support the use of Juniper Fiber and other woody plant products in livestock diets.

Dr. Whitney spent over 12 years researching Juniper Fiber.

Click on the links below to see a few of his research articles.

  • “We are very excited to not only have Redeemer’s Ground Juniper available to us, but to have developed a friendship with Travis and Valarie over the past few years. I’ve known members of Travis’s family my entire life and know that he is proud to be part of a 100+...

    Glenn, Rancher/
  • “Ever since I first heard about it, I’ve been anxiously waiting on Redeemer Feed to start producing Ground Juniper. It will not only help reduce juniper trees on my property but gives me an all-natural feed ingredient that the Good...

    Victor, Rancher/