Definition of “Roughage”
(Also called “Fiber):

A feedstuff with a minimum crude fiber content of 18% and a maximum TDN concentration of 70% (NRC, 2000)

Roughages: Purchase Instructions

Ground juniper small stems and leaves

Ground Juniper

Small Stems and Leaves
Ground juniper, no leaves

Ground Juniper

Entire Tree
Fine ground juniper leaves

Juniper Leaves

Leaves Only

Roughages: Additional Ingredients Coming Soon

We are in the process of developing a program where we work directly with hay producers and other feed ingredient suppliers to deliver pre-qualified products to Redeemer Feed or directly to Redeemer Feed clients, which meet our strict quality standards. This “cooperative effort” addresses multiple issues: (1) reduces variability in product quality (especially hay); (2) eliminates the “guesswork” related to product weight and nutrient profile that is entrenched within hay buying decisions because Redeemer Feed’s products are weighed and come with a nutrient profile that is thoroughly explained; (3) reduces the risk of purchasing roughage products that contain non-target forage species (e.g., johnsongrass), residual herbicides, or excess dirt or other contaminants; and (4) eliminates the need for Redeemer Feed clients to have to pre-inspect bulk hay purchases because they will receive online access to photos (representing quality and storage conditions), nutrient profiles, certified growing and harvesting conditions (e.g., irrigated vs. non-irrigated; fertilization rate; stage of maturity when cut; 1st, 2nd, or 3rd cutting, etc.), and Redeemer Feed inspection reports.

Hay bale

Multiple Hay Varieties

Large and Small Bales
Ground oat hay

Multiple Course-ground Hay Varieties

Fine ground oat hay

Multiple Fine Ground Hay Varieties

Whole Cottonseed

Whole Cottonseed

Cottonseed Hulls

Cottonseed Hulls

Ground Cottonseed Hulls

Ground Cottonseed Hulls

4mm alfalfa meal

Alfalfa Meal